Filsafat Pendidikan Humanisme Dalam Pembelajaran Di MTS Noor Musholla Surabaya


  • Ilham Saputra Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Dya A’yun



Education, Humanism, Educational Institutions, Forms of Education


Education is an integral part of human life because it is a tool for personal growth and realization of human potential. The quality of humans as multidimensional beings is primarily determined by the educational process. Humanism is a philosophy of education that states that humans are full of creativity and happiness that does not require the approval or support of others. The main goal of humanistic education is to encourage learners' independent personalities, responsible learning, creativity and interest in the surrounding environment. MTS Noor Musholla is a private educational institution that teaches traditional education and Islamic studies. It offers education based on Islamic principles. This form of education also requires vision and principles so that the information given to students is conveyed properly. The relationship between teachers and students must also be built well. This research article is a descriptive research article. The data collection used in this research is done by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through observations and interviews, while secondary data were obtained through journals and library references. The result of the philosophy of humanistme education of MTS Noor Musholla Surabaya is a humanistic teaching approach that has an impact on the learning process. Student learning motivation, the principle of humanistic approach that can provide learning to students and help develop social, emotional, holistic developmental skills and the application of humanism values that can help develop potential.


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How to Cite

Ilham Saputra, & Dya A’yun. (2023). Filsafat Pendidikan Humanisme Dalam Pembelajaran Di MTS Noor Musholla Surabaya. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JOUPI), 1(4), 154–162.

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