Kerja Sama Dalam Memberantas Tindak Kejahatan Internasional (Indonesia-Swiss)
International Crime, Cooperation to Eradicate International Crime, Law of ReciprocityAbstract
International crimes are crimes that cause unrest in the international community or acts that violate fundamental interests protected by international law. Every country definitely has problems, problems in the form of crime being one of them. This crime problem can occur not only within the scope of the country, but can occur outside the scope of the country or is called an international crime. To overcome or prevent the occurrence of international crimes, an agreement is made between two countries, namely the International Agreement. Such as international crimes that occurred between Indonesia and Switzerland, resulting in an international agreement using a Reciprocal Law Agreement (MLA).
Anthony Giddens,2010, Globalization A Very Short Introduction
William A.Schabas, 2017,International Criminal Law
Eddy Pratomo, 2011, Hukum Perjanjian Internasional dalam Pengertian, Status Hukum, dan Ratifikasi. Bandung antara-indonesia-dan-swiss-resmi-berlaku.
John H.Reppetto,2017,The Social Organization of Crime,A Guide for Practitioners Robert Johnston,2016,Corruption,A Very Short Introduction
Robert E.Stake,2013,Case Study Research,Principles and Methods Finance di PT. SUD (2018–saat ini)
UU Perbankan Swiss tahun 1934 Pasal 47Undang-Undang No.5 tahun 2020 Pasal 38 ayat 1 Piagam Mahkamah Internasional.