Membangun Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Melalui Penanaman 1000 Pohon Di Kelurahan Muara Lembu Kecamatan Singingi Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
Reforestation, Planting, PreservationAbstract
Kukerta students from the University of Riau 2023 engaged in community service activities for 40 days in the Muara Lembu sub-district, Singingi sub-district, Kuantan Singingi district. The objective of these activities was to cultivate an environmentally conscious mindset within the local community. To achieve this, the students planted a total of 1000 trees across various locations such as government agencies, schools, and sports centers in the Muara Lembu sub-district. The primary aim of this initiative was to restore green areas within the community and enhance awareness regarding the surrounding environment. This endeavor sought to foster a sense of responsibility among the residents of the Muara Lembu sub-district toward preserving and safeguarding the environment. Additionally, tree planting served as a means of mitigating potential disasters by contributing to water retention and erosion prevention in the Muara Lembu sub-district. As a result of these efforts, 1000 seedlings were successfully planted to contribute towards the preservation of the environment in the Muara Lembu sub-district.
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